Facts About The Human Body The ExtraordinaryDid you know that our bones it's five times stronger than steel bars with the same weight.?
Do you know if the nerve is stretched from end to end, located about 75 km (over a distance of Jakarta-Bogor)
Did you know that the body took on average 18 kg of skin (almost equal to the weight of children aged 3 years) in their lifetime?
In the human body, about 3 million cells die every minute.
Dust particles found in the house most of the dead skin from the human body
The brain is relatively more active at night in a single day
The brain consists of 80 percent water
Our stomach acid is actually strong enough to digest the zinc and lead. Fortunately the cells in the stomach wall is renewed so quickly that the stomach acids sempet not turn a "backfire".
Is it true that determines hair color hair thick? Blond hair has an average 146,000 follicles while people with black hair have about 110,000 follicles. The average human has 100,000 hair follicles, each capable of producing 20 individual hairs during a lifetime.
Higher body the morning than the evening. That's because our bodies are on average about half an inch taller in the morning, thanks to the excess fluid that is replenished when we sleep. As the day goes on, and our bodies move, the fluid seeps out, resulting in loss of body fluids leading to shorter.
Your stomach produces a new layer every day. Tues your stomach secretes hydrochloric acid, which is a corrosive compound used to treat the metal in the industrialized world. This can damage the body, but mengasilkan stomach mucosal lining of the stomach wall at a safe from the poison.
The lungs consist of 3 billion capillaries (small veins). If the veins are connected so one can reach 2400 km in length.
Male testicles produce 10 million new sperm per day .. Enough to replace all humans on earth in just 6 months.
Tu our bones strong - as strong as granite stone in weight. Experiment with a piece of bone the size of a matchbox can withstand loads up to 9 tons - four times stronger than steel concrete ..
Nails we need 6 months to grow from the base to the tip of the finger
Largest organ in our body is the skin. Adult male skin area of approximately 1.9 m2. The skin constantly updated by our bodies and throughout the life of each person produces leather waste weighing 18 kg
When you sleep your body expands about 8 mm. When you wake up your body to shrink again as before. Why is that? It turned out that the cartilage we can expand and shrink (when standing and sitting) like a sponge because of the influence of gravity.
Skin color evolved over time. Blacks are consistent with the fact the first human evolution in Africa. Also all of the skin, without coloring, would appear creamy white. pigment melanin, created in response to ultraviolet light, black in large numbers.
Napping was found to increase productivity. 20-minute nap can increase your overall alertness, improve your mood, and increase productivity. William Anthony, author of The Art of Napping at Work (Larson Publications, 1999), said the increase in productivity post-sleep can last for several hours. In addition, your heart can reap the benefits of napping. In a six-year study of Greek adults, researchers found that people who take naps at least three times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of dying from heart
A unique tongue. Just like fingerprints, The tongue is a unique organ because it can be placed out of the mouth to be examined, but he was declared protected in the mouth and difficulty dipalsukan.Lidah also show two forms of geometric information and texture information that is useful in determining the physiological identity.
The skin on the palms and feet 4 mm thicker than the other skin in the body, the heel of the foot into the thickest part. Also it is producing the most sweat glands than other body parts.
The average person ate 50 tons of Caucasians and 50 thousand liters of drinking water throughout their lives (Indonesian people not know how many ni).
Our Bodies Produce Aspirin. Eat vegetables and fruits can help the human body makes its own aspirin. Findings from studies Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry shows that people who receive benzoic acid, a natural substance in fruits and vegetables, can make their own salicylic acid, the major components contained in aspirin.
Each kidney consists of 1 million single filter that filters an average of 1.3 liters of blood per minute and produce 1.4 liters of urine a day.
Muscles move our eyes on the ball about 100 thousand times a day .. As a comparison, if we applied the same leg muscles by walking 80 km every day.
Within 30 minutes the average heat of our bodies make enough to boil a half gallon of water.
A single cell of our bodies only need 60 seconds to surround our bodies.
Foreskins of circumcised infants who can grow the size of a postage stamp to 3x width of a basketball court. Not great. Wonders of science. Laboratory regenerate the skin to replace skin burns victims.
Since we were born until now there is only one part of our body size gk who never changed - the Eye Ball.
According to Darwin (and some other scientists) the appendix was once actually the third part of our digestive system. Its function is to digest the leaves! Because humans stop eating raw leaf and start cooking all the food eventually lost his job appendicitis.
The average person each day to lose about 60 to 100 strands of hair
The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue
Eyes and nose are always growing, but the eyes remain the same size from the beginning.
Female egg cell is the largest cell in the body and the male sperm is the smallest cell
To take one step, the human body uses about 200 muscles.
There are about one trillion bacteria were found on each leg
About 6 months before the baby is born, the teeth have started to grow but have not come to the surface of the gums.
More ear wax secreted by the body when people are afraid
About 36,000 gallons of blood pumped by the heart every day
There are about 250,000 sweat glands found on a pair of human legs
Every human being at conception (fertilization seed) spent about half an hour as a single cell
To produce a sound when speaking to use about 72 muscles
Female heart heart beat faster than men
All bodily functions stop when you sneeze including the heart, for about one second
Approximately 15 million blood cells get destroyed every second
Men can have erections every hour and a half during sleep
There are approximately 120 million sexual intercourse taking place every day around the world
There are about 31,500 words spoken by humans every day
When too much food, the ability of human hearing to be reduced.
Type O blood is the most common blood type in the world
Man is not amused when tickled his own body
Did you know that the human eye can detect a candle flame at a distance of 1.6 km?
Did you know that our blood circulatory system contains about 150,000 miles of blood vessels?
Did you know that the heart beats more than 30 million times a year?
Did you know that the lung contains approximately 2400 km of the airways?
Did you know that Every testes produce about 1500 sperm per second, and Did you know that the diameter of eggs was 50 times wider than the head of the sperm?
There are many other facts ... there are 114 other facts that hopefully useful to you. Loss if you miss to read it ...
Body Facts
Facts about the system, network, cell
The human body is composed of a number of systems. All systems perform certain functions. All systems connect and communicate through the blood and nervous system. 9 body's major systems: skeletal muscle, integument, respiratory, digestive, urinary, nervous, cardiovascular and lymphatic
Body system formed from a variety of organs that contain a variety of tissues. A network is a collection of similar cells that perform specific functions.
Adult body contains over 50 trillion cells
Three billion body cells die every minute, mostly replaced with new
The egg (ovum) is the largest of human cells. Ova can be seen without the aid of a microscope.
Red blood cells are the only cells that are not core. Red blood cells carry oxygen and was about 120 days.
Nerve cells are the longest cells in the body that carry messages
About 10 billion new white blood cells are made every day, which fights infection.
Facts about the skeleton, skull, joints, muscles and hair
Order more than 300 babies have a few bones so the bones grow together
Generally adults have 206 bones, but some people have extra ribs
More than half of the body's bones found in the feet and hands
Thigh bone (femur) is the longest and strongest bone
Bones five times stronger than steel bars with the same weight
99% of the body's calcium is contained in tulag and gear
75% of the bones of the body in the form of compact bone and the rest is re-spongy
Compact bone is the hardest material in the body after the email
The skull consists of 22 pieces of bone. Eight pieces of bone forming the dome of the container and protects the brain
The face is composed of 14 pieces of bone
Human and a giraffe's neck has the same number of vertebrae
The knee is the largest joint in the body
Joints that connect the smallest of three tiny bones in the middle ear
Most joints are large and can be driven lubricated by synovial fluid
Muscles around the joint contract to produce movement
The body has more than 600 skeletal muscle
Tersuplai either skeletal muscle with blood vessels and nerves
Muscles Gluteus Maximus is the largest in the ass
The smallest is the stirrup muscle (stapedius) in the middle ear
Muscles can cause eye blink five times per second
The amount is too little oxygen reaches the muscles during strenuous exercise, lactic acid waste will accumulate, which causes muscle ache.
About 80 head hairs fall out each day
Fingernails takes 6 months to grow from the base to the tip
When cool, pull hair enforcement muscle into each hair straight, it makes the air trapped and produce a "goose bump" (menegaknya chilling)
Facts about the nerves and brain
If the entire nerve is stretched from end to end, located about 75 km.
Sciatic nerve is the longest nerve
Nerve signals can run at speeds over 400 km / h
Pain signals run more slowly than the touch signal
One brain cell may be associated with 25,000 other brain cells
As carriers of electrical stimulation of neurons can not divide and multiply like other cell
Neurons that die can not be replaced
Oxygen-deficient brain cells will die after 5 minutes.
Facts about bone marrow, skin, tongue, nose, and eyes
The length of the adult spinal cord 43 cm
Thickness of the spinal cord 2 cm
Spinal cord to stop growing at around 4 or 5 years
Fat gives white on white substance
The skin is the body's largest organ
The skin has a surface area of up to 2 m2
The body took an average of 18 pounds of skin in a lifetime
Household dust consists mainly of dead skin cells
A baby has taste buds all over the inside of his mouth
There are over 10,000 taste buds on the tongue
The cells of taste buds just a week old before it is replaced with a new
Olfactory senses can detect different odors 2000-4000
Kiss / smell is attractive to achieve the odorant receptor molecules for analysis
The brain grows accustomed to smelling fast and stop recording it smells
Humans can distinguish more than 1500 kinds of music
Humans can hear sounds in the range 0-140 decibels
The ear can detect sound direction in 3 degrees
Color blindness affects 1 in 30 people, and in men 1 from 12 people
The human eye can detect a candle flame at a distance of 1.6 km
Humans blink 15 times per minute
People can see up to 10,000 colors
Facts about the cardiovascular system, heart, blood
Sikulasi system contains about 150,000 miles of blood vessels
The heart pumps about 13,640 liters of blood per day
The aorta is the largest artery, vena cava is the largest vein
The heart beats more than 30 million times a year
The average age of 70 years, the heart will rest for 40 years
There are four main types of blood group (A, B, AB, and O)
Oxygen binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells to red blood
The average body has about 5 liters of blood
Facts about the nodes
Swollen glands a sign of infection
Most lymph nodes found in the armpits and groin
Nodes filter out and discard the infection and destroy red blood cells
Chemicals in the eye fluid, stomach and mouth fight infection
Neutrophil white blood cells live only 60-20 hours
Facts about the endocrine
Adrenal gives tremendous power in emergency situations
Too much growth hormone from the pituitary gland can cause gigantism (excessive growth)
Seing pituitary gland called the most important endocrine gland (master gland) because it produces hormones that stimulate other endocrine glands to produce hormones respectively. Hormones from these glands also have a direct action on some body functions
Facts about lung
The lungs contain approximately 2400 km airways
Each lung has a total surface area of 180 m2
Hiccup occurs when the diaphragm to contract rapidly forcing air out through the vocal cords
The lungs have more than 300 million alveoli
Every minute about 6 liters of air inhaled lung
Adult lungs can hold about 3 liters of air
Facts about the digestive system
Some people never have four wisdom teeth behind
Acid, which is secreted by the bacteria to break down sugars in the mouth cause tooth decay
An adult secretes (issue) about 1 liter of saliva per day
Stomach can stretch to accommodate 2 liters of fluid
Gastric glands produce about 3 quarts of fluid every day acid
The length of the small bowel about 285 cm
Small intestine lengthwise twice when someone dies
150 cm length of colon
Perform many vital liver functions such as dump toxic chemicals from the blood and removing and produces bile for digestion of food
Facts about the urinary system
Every hour, the kidneys filter out up to 7 liters of fluid from the blood
95% content of urine is water
Urine contains toxic substances including urea made in the liver.
Facts about the reproductive system
Sperm length about 0.05 mm
Sperm take about 10 weeks to mature
Each testicle produces about 1500 sperm per second
Sperm swimming speed of 3 mm per hour
Non-identical twins result when two eggs fertilized in one cycle
Egg diameter from 0.1 to 0.2 mm, 50 times wider than the head of the sperm
The new egg must be fertilized within 24-48 hours
Someone babies are usually born 40 weeks after fertilization
Sometimes the newly fertilized egg splits to produce identical twins
Sperm has X and Y chromosomes that determine sex of baby
The majority of human body cells contain 46 chromosomes
Red blood cells have no nucleus, so it does not carry the gene
During puberty, someone becomes sexually mature, egg and sperm being produced
Puberty is triggered by hormones produced by the brain
In girls, puberty lasted between 9-13 years of age. In boys puberty begins more slowly between ages 10-14 years
Hormonal changes during puberty often cause oily skin and acne
Long lifespan can be inherited
Japanese women have a life expectancy of the most long lived more than 80 years
A woman Perancism Jeanne Calment, 121 years old in 1996.
1. Sarah Brewer. Body Facts. A Dorling Kindersley Book.
2. Healthmad.com
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1001 The Amazing Human Body Facts
Friday, July 8, 2011
di 8:10 PM
Label: Health Information
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