Is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to lose bone mass, alter the composition of bone tissue microarchitecture to pass the threshold so that the bones will become brittle with the result that the bones will break easily.
Are the Symptoms of Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a condition "without typical symptoms". Clinical manifestations of osteoporosis is fractures, which can occur in any bone, most often in the spine, hip and wrist.
Pain is a symptom that follows fractures with pain intensity of mild to severe.
Osteoporosis Are All the Same?
All of osteoporosis is not the same. Osteoporosis should be distinguished from local or general.
Local osteoporosis can be due to abnormalities in the primary or secondary bone as a result of immobilization of the limb in a long time, etc.. Osteoporosis is commonly divided into primary and secondary osteoporosis is common. Primary generalized type I osteoporosis associated with post-menopause, occurs at age 50-75 years, 6-8 times more women than men, the cause is the falling levels of estrogen and decreased calcium absorption.
Primary type II osteoporosis generally occurs at age 75-85 years, two times more women than men, the cause is aging and declining calcium absorption. General secondary osteoporosis associated with various diseases that result in abnormalities in bone, due to the use of certain drugs and others.
Does Osteoporosis Risk Factors?
Risk factors for osteoporosis were female gender, advanced age, family history of osteoporosis, Caucasian and Mongoloid race, body shape (smaller and thinner the more risk one's body), menopause, smoking, alcohol, low calcium diet, the use of certain drugs in the long term as corticosteroids, inactive lifestyle, lazy and less exposed to sunlight.
Is Bone Mass Peak bone mass and decrease it?
Peak bone mass is the highest level of bone mass achieved as a result of normal growth achieved during 30 years of age adolesen. After that, begin to decline in bone mass. Decrease in bone mass in women occur earlier and more rapid acceleration phase which occurred during the age of menopause. During his life, a woman will experience a decrease in bone mass of 40-50% and men by 20-30%.
How is Osteoporosis Prevention?
The principle is to maximize peak bone mass during growth and prevent or modify risk factors for osteoporosis, and reduce post-menopausal bone loss. Prevention of osteoporosis in the form of calcium intake; physical exercise, avoiding factors that can decrease the absorption of calcium; estrogen hormone replacement therapy; anticipation since the beginning of conditions that can cause secondary osteoporosis such as patients with a long bed rest or immobilization of some members of the movement by providing a physical workout accordance with the conditions.
How Early detection of Osteoporosis?
Early detection with "Bone Densitometer" is a tool for measuring bone mass with 98-99% accuracy.
How Osteoporosis Treatment?
The goal of treatment is to maintain or increase bone mass, and pain control or slow the underlying disease.
Drugs used include calcium, vitamin D, estrogen replacement, calcitonin, calcitriol, bisphosphonates and other groups. To control the pain other than pain medication, physical therapy may also be given such as cold therapy, heat therapy, TENS (Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation) and others.
Exercise therapy what is recommended?
Physical exercise aimed to maximize peak bone mass during growth, reduce bone loss and reduce fracture incidence.
Physical exercise should have a loading element on the body or limbs, and an emphasis on the bone axis (Bearing Weight training). Generally recommended low-intensity aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, dancing, etc..
Walking is very beneficial because it is a combination of mechanical stimuli on the spine and lower limbs and intermittent contractions of the muscles in the back and lower limb muscles and is recommended to do 3-5 times a week with a duration of 30 minutes persesi.
Other physical exercises are specific exercises for your back muscles, muscle flexibility exercises, coordination exercises, exercise attitudes and patterns of roads and pernafanan exercise and fitness.
Exercise at an advanced age should be planned carefully and cautiously, so take into account the benefits of exercise and attention to the general condition of both structure and body function. Exercise program demonstrated on television may be less suitable, especially if accompanied by jumping movement.
Forward bending exercises should be avoided for patients who are at risk of osteoporosis because it increases the propensity of spinal fractures.
Handling of osteoporosis patients not only limited to the assessment increase in the amount of bone mass., But also assessed with the end result does not break any bones. Thus, handling not only think about the prevention of any medical aspect but also from the aspect of patient's lifestyle and environment.
Why use Ortosis or Tools?
Ortosis or aid is given primarily in the back area which has several objectives, namely to minimize the occurrence of kyphosis (hunchback) in those at risk, reduce the force pressing on the front of the spine as a precaution, to help shore up the spine to compensate for weak muscles punggungyang. How long ortosis usage could not be ascertained because there is evidence that spinal fractures can add imbolisasi imbobilisasi and may further add to loss of bone mass.
In addition ortosis can also be used to deal with back pain, even when a specific recreational or sporting activities.
What else should be considered in the treatment of osteoporosis?
Activities of daily activities performed occasionally adds a fracture due to falling trend.
Increased safety in the home is part of prevention programs, such as avoiding things that can interfere with the freedom step (carpet, trolley, etc.), use of a grip on the ladder, light enough to ruangaktifitas patients, use night lights in bedrooms and bathrooms, furnished bath equipped with antislip grip walls and carpets, kitchen equipped and structured to avoid its use fell, immediately clean and dry the wet tiles.
Patients with osteoporosis need to change the pattern of his life as if I have to use glasses, hearing aids, canes according to individual needs, use without high-heeled shoes, rubber soled shoes, avoid drugs that cause drowsiness effect, balance disorders, dizziness, etc.. Must be vigilant and avoid excessive use of force or motion is not controlled as when opening a window with a loud, avoid lifting heavy objects in a bent forward position, while lifting heavy objects should be taught with the squat position and stand quietly in an upright position and the load should be close to body.
Sources: Mitra Kemayoran Hospital
Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to lose bone mass, alter the composition of bone tissue microarchitecture to pass the threshold so that the bones will become brittle with the result that the bones will break easily.
Are the Symptoms of Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a condition "without typical symptoms". Clinical manifestations of osteoporosis is fractures, which can occur in any bone, most often in the spine, hip and wrist.
Pain is a symptom that follows fractures with pain intensity of mild to severe.
Osteoporosis Are All the Same?
All of osteoporosis is not the same. Osteoporosis should be distinguished from local or general.
Local osteoporosis can be due to abnormalities in the primary or secondary bone as a result of immobilization of the limb in a long time, etc.. Osteoporosis is commonly divided into primary and secondary osteoporosis is common. Primary generalized type I osteoporosis associated with post-menopause, occurs at age 50-75 years, 6-8 times more women than men, the cause is the falling levels of estrogen and decreased calcium absorption.
Primary type II osteoporosis generally occurs at age 75-85 years, two times more women than men, the cause is aging and declining calcium absorption. General secondary osteoporosis associated with various diseases that result in abnormalities in bone, due to the use of certain drugs and others.
Does Osteoporosis Risk Factors?
Risk factors for osteoporosis were female gender, advanced age, family history of osteoporosis, Caucasian and Mongoloid race, body shape (smaller and thinner the more risk one's body), menopause, smoking, alcohol, low calcium diet, the use of certain drugs in the long term as corticosteroids, inactive lifestyle, lazy and less exposed to sunlight.
Is Bone Mass Peak bone mass and decrease it?
Peak bone mass is the highest level of bone mass achieved as a result of normal growth achieved during 30 years of age adolesen. After that, begin to decline in bone mass. Decrease in bone mass in women occur earlier and more rapid acceleration phase which occurred during the age of menopause. During his life, a woman will experience a decrease in bone mass of 40-50% and men by 20-30%.
How is Osteoporosis Prevention?
The principle is to maximize peak bone mass during growth and prevent or modify risk factors for osteoporosis, and reduce post-menopausal bone loss. Prevention of osteoporosis in the form of calcium intake; physical exercise, avoiding factors that can decrease the absorption of calcium; estrogen hormone replacement therapy; anticipation since the beginning of conditions that can cause secondary osteoporosis such as patients with a long bed rest or immobilization of some members of the movement by providing a physical workout accordance with the conditions.
How Early detection of Osteoporosis?
Early detection with "Bone Densitometer" is a tool for measuring bone mass with 98-99% accuracy.
How Osteoporosis Treatment?
The goal of treatment is to maintain or increase bone mass, and pain control or slow the underlying disease.
Drugs used include calcium, vitamin D, estrogen replacement, calcitonin, calcitriol, bisphosphonates and other groups. To control the pain other than pain medication, physical therapy may also be given such as cold therapy, heat therapy, TENS (Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation) and others.
Exercise therapy what is recommended?
Physical exercise aimed to maximize peak bone mass during growth, reduce bone loss and reduce fracture incidence.
Physical exercise should have a loading element on the body or limbs, and an emphasis on the bone axis (Bearing Weight training). Generally recommended low-intensity aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, dancing, etc..
Walking is very beneficial because it is a combination of mechanical stimuli on the spine and lower limbs and intermittent contractions of the muscles in the back and lower limb muscles and is recommended to do 3-5 times a week with a duration of 30 minutes persesi.
Other physical exercises are specific exercises for your back muscles, muscle flexibility exercises, coordination exercises, exercise attitudes and patterns of roads and pernafanan exercise and fitness.
Exercise at an advanced age should be planned carefully and cautiously, so take into account the benefits of exercise and attention to the general condition of both structure and body function. Exercise program demonstrated on television may be less suitable, especially if accompanied by jumping movement.
Forward bending exercises should be avoided for patients who are at risk of osteoporosis because it increases the propensity of spinal fractures.
Handling of osteoporosis patients not only limited to the assessment increase in the amount of bone mass., But also assessed with the end result does not break any bones. Thus, handling not only think about the prevention of any medical aspect but also from the aspect of patient's lifestyle and environment.
Why use Ortosis or Tools?
Ortosis or aid is given primarily in the back area which has several objectives, namely to minimize the occurrence of kyphosis (hunchback) in those at risk, reduce the force pressing on the front of the spine as a precaution, to help shore up the spine to compensate for weak muscles punggungyang. How long ortosis usage could not be ascertained because there is evidence that spinal fractures can add imbolisasi imbobilisasi and may further add to loss of bone mass.
In addition ortosis can also be used to deal with back pain, even when a specific recreational or sporting activities.
What else should be considered in the treatment of osteoporosis?
Activities of daily activities performed occasionally adds a fracture due to falling trend.
Increased safety in the home is part of prevention programs, such as avoiding things that can interfere with the freedom step (carpet, trolley, etc.), use of a grip on the ladder, light enough to ruangaktifitas patients, use night lights in bedrooms and bathrooms, furnished bath equipped with antislip grip walls and carpets, kitchen equipped and structured to avoid its use fell, immediately clean and dry the wet tiles.
Patients with osteoporosis need to change the pattern of his life as if I have to use glasses, hearing aids, canes according to individual needs, use without high-heeled shoes, rubber soled shoes, avoid drugs that cause drowsiness effect, balance disorders, dizziness, etc.. Must be vigilant and avoid excessive use of force or motion is not controlled as when opening a window with a loud, avoid lifting heavy objects in a bent forward position, while lifting heavy objects should be taught with the squat position and stand quietly in an upright position and the load should be close to body.
Sources: Mitra Kemayoran Hospital
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