Insurance To Protect The Life Or Economic Value?

Friday, August 12, 2011

I've heard the opinion of some people about life. Some say: "Life is God's business. Insuring our souls means precedes the will of God. "

So roughly. And in fact, quite a lot of people who are allergic to hear the word 'insurance'. Funny thing is, those who are allergic to this life insurance did not hesitate to insure a car, motorcycle or houses they have.

Hence, it is not surprising if the majority owner of a motor vehicle to protect the economic value of the vehicle with insurance, while only about 3% only Indonesian who consciously protect themselves with the economic value of life insurance.

Actually, life insurance not to protect our souls. But rather to protect the economic value ourselves. For example, if today we are able to provide 5 million dollars every month for our family a decent living, then life insurance helps us to ensure that the economic life of our family with 5 million expenditure could be kept awake, 'even if' something happens that causes us no longer able to produce that kind of money. We do not expect this 'something' was happening.

But who can ensure the future?

Therefore, try to ponder: If the economic value of a car or a house we just covered, why do not we protect the economic value ourselves? Is a car or a house worth more than ourselves?

If our employees, try to check whether the companies in which we work is to provide life insurance for us. These companies typically provide a good life insurance for his employees. But there are two things we need to do:

First, ask your human resources department, whether the insurance provided is only valid as long as we work at the company, or it could proceed alone if we stop working.

In general, if employees resign or retire, then life insurance will automatically be disconnected. Therefore, consideration should be to buy their own insurance. Unless we plan to continue working as a professional.

But consider also, if we retire, whether that protection can be taken away as a retirement package or not.

Secondly, if the company has been providing life insurance that we can manage its own (can be taken away and resumed his own) then maybe it's time to do financial planning or school fees of children in the future.

Some people prefer to save every month in the bank, and not taken-take. No matter if we can be disciplined way. But if not, maybe insurance education can be a way out.

Apart from that, education has the advantage of insurance protection side, which is not owned by the resp.

The principle is: if there is 'something' in us, then our children still get guaranteed financing of education in accordance with what we have planned.

Although we are not interested in buying an insurance policy, we need not hesitate to consult with an insurance agent. There is no harm if we understand the mechanism of this model of financial planning.

At least, we can compare it with financial planning strategies that we are currently running. Although we do not buy insurance policies from them, they are usually happy to help us to design our long-term financial plan. That is, we can get a free consultation about our financial planning. Not bad right?

Currently many insurance combined with investment. So, you get the benefit of protection, as well as we can see the portion of the money you paid as savings or investment that continues to grow and develop.

2 komentar:

Unknown said...

Dear friends!
Wish you and your family happy holidays and happy.

Alexandru said...

nice blog I join....join my blog, too plz :)

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