How to Make Your Brain Think Faster!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

1. Take a dose of EPA to taste
EPA is a chemical in fish oil which is food for the brain, each person must already know, so why not give fish oil capsules every day to improve his strength. Research shows that fish oil may facilitate increased activity in the brain, improving blood circulation, improving memory and concentration.

2. Regular Sex
Having sex can release chemical compounds that can improve brain power, according to the recent book "Teach yourself. Training your brain "written by a senior teacher and a biologist. Sex is the perfect form of exercise, which also increases blood circulation to the brain. He can reduce stress and tension that lowers the efficiency of the brain's performance.

3. Do a jigsaw puzzle
Crosswords, Sudoku or others can make your brain remains in the best condition. Just like muscles, if you do not practice regularly, it will lose its ability to work optimally.

4. Go walk
Nothing can beat the fresh air can refresh the mind that can reduce the mental conversations that interfere with the logic and constructive thoughts. A trip on the outskirts of town, near the river or just in the park will help you get rid of gray clouds and helps keep your mind clear.

5. Learn a new language
Learn a new language can be syndrome of dementia (deterioration of the brain) up to four years according to an article published in New Scientist. The reason for this has not definitely known, but believed that he had close ties with the increase perdaran blood and nerve connections are good.

6. Laugh
Laughter not only is the best medicine, it also can enhance brain function and stimulates both sides of the brain at the same time. Make sure you laugh every day.

7. Being kreatifif
Melukislah or learn a new instrument, join the art class even if you believe you are terrible at it. Being creative allows you to find new solutions to old problems and raise awareness at the same time.

8. Learning to throw stuff
Research from the University of Regensburg in Germany scanned the brains of a jugglers (juggler who throws stuff) and found that this activity can improve brain structure. After practicing for three months, the brain will show a significant improvement in two parts, namely the mid-and posterior portal intraprietal left sulcus.

9. Related to the nature of your childish
Einstein once said that imagination is more important than knowledge, and he used it on several experiments that eventually made him discover the calculation of the most famous of all time (E = MC2).

Try to see the children, they are full of imagination, and they learn more in the early years of their lives more than what we have learned over a decade. Frees your mind from the prison of the mind "an adult", you will find a way of thinking that has never existed before, you probably will make the next big discovery.

may be useful
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First Aid In Stroke

(By the way bleed on each end of the fingers and the tip of the ear leaf)

There is a great way to give first aid to people who had suffered a STROKE.

This method can save lives in addition to the patient, nor does it cause any side effects.

This guaranteed a first aid rescue EMERGENCY that can work 100%.

As known, the person who gets STROKE attack, all the blood in the body will flow very fast to the blood vessels in the brain.

If the relief provided late activity only slightly, the blood vessels in the brain will not be able to resist the flow of blood that flowed with rapids and will soon be broken bit by bit.

In facing such circumstances should not panic but should remain calm.

The patient must remain in the place where he fell (Ex: in the bathroom, bedroom, or anywhere)


Because by moving the patient from the same place will accelerate the rupture of blood vessels in the brain.

Patients must be helped to take a good sitting position in order not to fall again, and at that extravasation can be done.

To the best use of needles, but if not, then NEEDLE SEWING / pin / pin can be used ~ by first-sterile in the first with the way in fuel over the fire ~

After a sterile needle, immediately do the stabbing on 10 fingers.

Insertion point approximately 1 cm from the tip of the nail. Each finger quite on skewers 1 TIMES ARE the hope of every finger issued a drop of blood.

Extravasation can also be aided by the push of blood if it did not come out of his fingertips.

Within about 10 minutes, the patient will regain consciousness soon.

When the patient's mouth looks lopsided / Not normal, then the EAR LEAVES BOTH the patient should be withdrawn - PULL until reddish color.

After that do 2 TIMES stabbing at each END LOWER EARS so much as two drops of blood out of each end of the ear.
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Be careful, High Blood Could Weaken Memories

An American study says that people who have high blood diseases, especially those aged 45 years-an inclination turned out to have memory problems.

The study contained in the journal Neurology is the largest study of the link between high blood pressure and memory problems, which involved 20,000 people aged 45 years who have had strokes and are not.

Stroke has become one of the triggers memory problems. But the study found new facts that those who do not have a stroke but still at the level of high blood pressure also have a weakness in his memory.

Someone said high blood pressure if their blood pressure reaches 140/90 mmHg. And every increase of 10 points of the diastolic number (the numbers at the bottom), researchers found an increase in memory problems as much as 7 percent.

All factors such as age, smoking, exercise, education, diabetes and cholesterol had been taken into account in this study.

"By treating high blood properly, one can prevent brain damage and cognitive deficits that may trigger the dementia disease," said Dr.. Georgios Tsivgoulis from the University of Alabama, Birmingham, as reported by Reuters on Wednesday (26/08/2009).

Dr. Walter Koroshetz of the National Institutes of Health was trying to conduct a clinical trial to determine whether a person with lower blood pressure, memory problems and cognitive impairment in the brain can be overcome.

According to the American Heart Association, as many as one in three adults in America today is high blood attacked. Because the symptoms are not visible, then many people who have high blood unnoticed.

"These data suggest that high blood pressure is a factor of cognitive decline in the brain, but further study is needed to explain the causal relationship," said Walter.

High blood pressure is a trigger strokes, heart attacks and kidney failure. And if the blood is high causing memory problems, means a series of diseases caused by high blood pressure will increase the length.
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Really Healthy Chocolate More than Fruit?

Chocolate is often used as 'medicine' to eliminate stress and improve mood.
Not only delicious, snacks from South America is indeed known to have many health benefits.

Researchers at the Center for Health and Nutrition Hershey chocolate declared worthy of the title of 'super fruit'.
From studies in the laboratory, are known to have many antioxidant chocolate.

Levels of polyphenols and flavonoids in cocoa powder one gram more than the fruit used to make juice.

Experts found the cocoa beans, fruit origin chocolate has extraordinary nutritional macronutrient content, as quoted from

The findings, published in the Journal of Chemical showed that dense chocolate (dark chocolate) and cocoa powder contain flavonoids and polyphenols is higher than fruit juice.

Antioxidants found in fruits such as grapes, strawberries and pomegranates, some types of juice, dark chocolate, green tea and red wine.
Antioxidants are compounds that will fight cell-damaging free radicals.
When the body lacks antioxidants, can cause health problems.

However, other experts assessing the phrase 'super fruit' is not true and just created a manufacturer as part of marketing.
Therefore, there is no one type of food that has all the essential nutrients.
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Danger of falling in the Sitting Position

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Any form of injury to the coccyx can cause serious problems because there are many nerves and muscles are attached to the coccyx, such as the nerve that surrounds the entire spine, the pelvic floor muscles, the intestines, as well as the thighs and upper legs.

Some of the dangers when injured tailbone as reported by WebMD and on Wednesday (19/01/2011) are:
  • Pain during or after sitting
  • Acute pain when moving from sitting to standing
  • Severe headache
  • Pain throughout the body especially the waist and hip
  • Pain in the coccyx area that does not subside in the long term (coccygodynia)
  • Suffered chronic digestive problems, especially constipation.
  • Severe menstrual cramps
  • Depression and insomnia
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
In addition to falling into a sitting position, tail bone injury can also occur due to the following conditions:
  • The sitting position is wrong 
  • A direct blow to the spine
  • Injured or broken tail bone during childbirth
  • Tension or friction such as repetitive movements at rowing and cycling
  • Infection or tumors in the tail bone
Some health problems can appear right after the injury to the coccyx, while others appear in the next month or year.

Tailbone injury is more common in women because women make the pelvic bone forms the tail is more open.
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7 Benefits of Sunlight for Our Bodies

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Often we complain because it stung the blazing hot sun, so most of us will do her best to avoid sunlight. For example, to travel with a vehicle, use a scarf or umbrella to protect the skin, and so on. But actually, in the heat of the sun behind it, there are at least seven benefits of sunlight for our bodies that need to know.

1. Vitamin D

At the time filtered ultraviolet rays on the skin, the light is changing the deposit of cholesterol in the skin into vitamin D. Receive exposure to sunlight for 5 minutes only tantamount to giving 400 units of vitamin D in the body.

2. Reduce blood cholesterol

This is a continuation of the above process. Once under the skin cholesterol is converted to vitamin D, the brain and the body then gives a signal to the cholesterol in the blood to exit from the blood into the skin. From this process of cholesterol in the blood can be well controlled.

3. Bidder infection and bacteria killer

Sunlight can kill disease bacteria, viruses, fungi as well. In the treatment of tuberculosis, erysipelas, blood poisoning, peritonisis, pneumonia, mumps, and asthma; sunlight therapy is needed. Even some of the cancer spreading virus can be destroyed by ultraviolet rays. Fungal infections, including candida, as well as bacteria in the air react and can be destroyed by sunlight.

4. Reducing blood sugar

Sunlight is a natural insulin that provides easy absorption of glucose into body cells. This is what stimulates the body to convert blood sugar into glycogen, which is then stored in the liver and muscles. This process is referred to as blood sugar levels to drop.

5. Respiratory fitness

Increased capacity of blood to carry oxygen and distribute it to the tissues is one of the uses of sunlight. In addition, sunlight is also able to improve respiratory fitness because the amount of glycogen to increase after basking in the sun.

6. Establish and improve bone

Increasing vitamin D in the body due to exposure to sunlight can increase the absorption of calcium. This condition is a solution in the formation and repair of bones and prevent diseases such as rickets and osteomalacia.

7. Immunity

When skin is exposed to sunlight, the addition of white blood cells, particularly lymphocytes, which diugnakan to attack the disease. Indirectly, the antibody will also be increased. This condition will last up to 3 weeks. According to the study, 10 minutes in the sun once or twice a week can reduce the risk of colds by 30-40%.

How? Still lazy to deal with the sun? Do deh. At least spend 30 minutes every day to enjoy the hot sun. Better yet in the morning because the result would be more optimal.
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Protect Heart And Prevent Cancer With Broccoli

From the flowers a kind of plant cabbage, broccoli transformed into a vegetable rich in benefits. Can be eaten raw, processed into a variety of dishes are also delicious. He was a high source of antioxidants and proteins contain many vitamins and minerals, such as beta-carotene, vitamin A, viamin C, iron, zinc, B vitamins and folic acid. Fiber content more than bread wheat, but only a tenth of a calorie content.

Broccoli can strengthen the immune system and become a major force to fight colon cancer. Gynecology suplhuraphane in it can detoxify and effectively removing carcinogens that we eat and breathe every moment. In addition, vegetables are also good to fight heart disease and infections, particularly those associated with the respiratory tract. This is due to its ability to cleanse and purify the entire digestive system and stimulates the liver, which is the main organ for detoxification. When the liver is working with full capacity, then the body will function better.

According to prof. Dipak Das from the University of Connecticut, in broccoli contains sulforaphane is an effective agent to prevent damage to the heart. In addition, this vegetable can also stimulate the body to produce a protein called thioredoxin, a substance that serves to protect the heart from damaging cells.

Meanwhile, men who ate broccoli a few times each week on a regular basis proved to have a lower risk of prostate cancer than men who did not melaukannya.

Although it can be consumed easily, vegetables, broccoli has one weakness, that does not have a long shelf life so easily damaged. So keep in mind how the storage and selection at the time of purchase. Also when cooking, the broccoli should be boiled in order terkadung substances in it remains effective and is not lost.

Some other benefits of broccoli for the health of our bodies is to accelerate the healing of disease as well as to eliminate / reduce the pain during menstruation.
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Tips to Lose Weight Without Diet and Exercise

Overweight or obesity is a problem experienced by many men and women. Diet and exercise are one right solution. But not many are able to do so with a variety of reasons, such as lazy, do not have the time, and so on. Fortunately, there are various alternative ways to lose weight without the hassle of dieting or exercise. Five of them can be seen below.
  • Drinking green tea
Green tea helps you lose weight in some way, either because mengandungpolyphenol in a very high level. Studies show that high levels of polyphenols in green tea increases the body's metabolic system to 4 percent. A faster metabolism helps the body release more fat and calories.
  • Eat more protein
Eating foods high in protein can also accelerate the rate of metabolism by supporting muscle mass. Quoted WebMD, the protein helps build muscle and muscle burns more calories than fat.Protein also works as an appetite suppressant by making you feel full faster and longer than carbohydrates. Eat protein activates a natural hormone that promotes weight loss, called PYY. This hormone reduces hunger.Protein-rich foods such as milk, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, fish, red meat, chicken, nuts and seeds.
  • Do not eat at night 
There are two theories behind weight gain and sleep. One is that you're really not on when you sleep and can not burn the last meal, so it is more likely to be stored as fat.Another theory is that staying awake till late at night causes a desire to eat more carbohydrates and sugary foods because the body is designed to sleep at night.
  • Drinking ice water
Many know that drinking eight glasses of water a day beneficial for health and helps in weight loss, but few know the added benefit of drinking ice water. Recent research suggests drinking ice water burn calories by increasing metabolism rate.
  • Stop emotional eating
Emotions can trigger hunger and desire to eat more of the requirements needed by the body. Stress, sadness, boredom, anxiety and anger were reported as a cause of emotional eating. Get to know the hunger caused by the body signals or just a mere emotion.
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8 Benefits of Kissing

Many WHO thought kissing kissing aka That just serves to Enhance intimacy with your partner only, it is not. No little usefulness to the health of our bodies. Want to know?

Here are 8 benefits for our bodies kiss:
  • Maintaining a balance of cardiovascular system
When you kiss your partner in a long time, Could jatung rate rise to 110 per minute. Could this be a good   exercise for heart health.
  • Stabilize or even lose weight
Kissing for 5 minutes can burn 12 calories. Alternative diets are easy and also fun, right?
  • Prevent the production of glucocorticoid hormones
This hormone can cause high blood pressure, weak muscles and insomnia.
  • Tighten facial muscles and smooth skin
At the kiss of activity performed, more than 30 facial muscles move. In effect, the blood flow to the skin increases and indirectly also Will smooth the skin.
  • Stimulate the immune system and Protects the body from viruses
All this kissing is Considered as a means of transmission of the virus. But in fact, contained saliva while kissing, is a natural remedy That can address the specific virus. The process of exchange of saliva Will be Able to stimulate the immune system and antibodies Produce That can protect you from viruses. This process is Called cross-immunotherapy.
  • Prevent lung problems
After kissing, usually the breath Becomes faster. On average after kissing, Will people breathe and you breathe 60 times in one minute. While in normal circumstances, only 20 times per one minute. Breathe in and breathe more frequently Will Prevent many disorders in the lungs.
  • Protecting your teeth
When kissing, saliva or saliva production more automated. The acid contained in saliva would be a good protector for your teeth.
  • Preventing stress
Kissing is more than 3 minutes to stimulate the body to Produce chemicals That Will destroy the chain of Causes of stress hormones.

So, now do not hesitate to kiss as much as possible (with your Spouse).
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Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer With Coffee

For women, drinking lots of coffee is not good for the body and Their Health. But it turns out, for men, the effect of The Opposite Happened. Based on a study of 48 thousand men, concluded That coffee may Reduced the risk of death from prostate cancer. Really?

The results of this study is indeed a good news for coffee drinkers of Adam. Those WHO Drank six or more cups of coffee a day found 20 percent of prostate Fewer cancer, a disease common cancers suffered by men. Not only that, They were the resource persons also 60 percent less to Suffer from an aggressive form of cancer can spread to other That body parts.

However, do not rush to buy up dozens and dozens of sacchet coffee for a month supply Because the research evidence reported in the journal National Cancer Institute is Considered to be still unclear. Experts do not recommend it to Prevent prostate cancer and are still doing Further research.

Survet Itself is conducted in the United States in the WHO to work as professionals in the health field. Every four years the between 1986 and 2006, They were the resource persons asked to report average daily intake of coffee They drink. Over the span of 20 years, it was recorded 5035 people diagnosed with prostate cancer and 642 people of Whom has a fatal case.

In research there is no difference the between the coffee drinks contain caffeine and That the non-caffeine. This Suggests That Caffeine is not the cause. However, even the coffee in small amounts, about one to three cups a day, found a Decreased Risk of death from prostate cancer by 30 percent. So the Researchers think about the possibility of Certain compounds in coffee That Is not yet known.

Dr. Kathryn Wilson, head of research from the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Stated, "We still do not know the risk factors That can alter or control to Reduced the risk of prostate cancer mortality. If our Findings hold, coffee Could Represent a That factor can be modified to Reduced the Risk of Suffering from forms of prostate cancer, the most danger. "

Unfortunately, as Stated by Dr. Helen Rippon of The Prostate Cancer Charity, there has been no other studies show a similar relationship That the between coffee with lower risk of death from prostate cancer. Therefore, he considers the research evidence is still unclear.

"Although the research is new knowledge for us, research is still far away. We do not recommend the men WHO Had no habit of drinking coffee to drink it to Prevent prostate cancer," he said.

Heavy coffee drinkers Actually Had other health problems. Men with benign prostate problems coffee drinking habit That Will Actually Make the symptoms of frequent urination Become worse.

"Men do not need to drink gallons of coffee in an Attempt to lower prostate cancer," said Yinka Ebo, senior health information officer at Cancer Research UK. He Continued, "A number of other studies examining coffee and Prostate Cancer Is that coffee drinking does not affect disease risk. Only the That study found a lower risk of advanced prostate cancer in men WHO Drank more than six cups a day. We still need to see the results of similar research in larger studies before We believe the consumption of coffee affects the risk of prostate cancer. "
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Tongue piercing Risky Brain Swelling

A few years ago people only knew the lifestyle of the ear piercings, but now almost all parts of the body can be pierced. But if you want to do a tongue piercing, try to think back before actually deciding.
The doctors say that having a tongue piercings can increase the risk of brain swelling. An archive of Neurology reported how a man aged 22 years died of brain swelling after a few weeks of her tongue pierced.
Doctors of Israeli men have been informed that there is an infection that can spread into the bloodstream which can harm the brain. Experts say body piercing is done on the tongue more often lead to broken teeth and mouth infections, but sometimes also cause problems in heart.
Despite having a pretty terrible risk, pierced tongue still be popular. It is also supported by the many celebrities who do tongue piercing such as Mel B Spice Girl or Princess Anna who is the son of Zara Phillips. But should people have to think many times before deciding to follow trends.
"There are many potential complications if done tongue piercing, from the pain and swelling, mouth parts are scratched, or broken teeth can also suffer from the erosion of the gums and prolonged bleeding," said Professor Damien Walmsley, a scientific adviser of the British Dental Association, as quoted by BBC News.
Walmsley also added that the place in the oral piercings have a considerable risk of infection. The most important message is in the area of ​​oral piercing should be avoided. Problems associated with body piercings are usually triggered by poor hygiene which existed during the piercing procedure and home care are not addressed.
A professional piercing said by applying the correct and proper hygiene in doing piercings will rarely cause complications for users piercing, for that you should not do the piercing at random.
For those of you who want to stay ahead in matters of style, you should think about it many times before doing piercings in any body part. As well as the most important thing is, do the piercings to the experts and look clean.
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Exercise Anywhere

Have you thought about when you are shopping at the supermarket you can burn calories? Fitness expert Denise Austin a sneak exercise while doing daily tasks. He recommended to tuck exercise in your daily routine, when you watch TV or talk on the phone, and no one menyadariny. Try some of these sports that are not visible when you're at work, at home, or even while traveling!
- Sit When sitting, place a fist between your knees and press your thighs thighs for 5 to 10 seconds. Feel your thigh muscles are tightened.
- Standing Both hands in addition to the palms facing backward, gently flex your arm backward leave it for 5 seconds. This isometric exercise strengthens the back of your arm.
- Sit or Stand Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees so your forearms parallel to the floor, then press the tip of your shoulders down your back and along with your press your elbows back. Hold for several seconds. This will help improve your posture.
- Sit Sit upright in your chair and put your hands on your thighs. Tighten your stomach muscles and press your hands down when you pull your knees toward your chest. You just tighten your stomach without ever leaving your desk!
- Standing Press your butt muscles for 5 minutes, then relax. This simple movement is making a one-time squat.
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White Water Therapy

How Doing this Water Therapy? In the morning when you just got up (without even brushing your teeth first) drink 1.5 liters of water, ie 5 to 6 glasses. Better water is mixed in advance as much as 1.5 liters. Please know that our ancestors called this therapy as "Usha paana chikitsa".
After that you can wash your face. It is very important to note that the do not drink or eat anything an hour before and after drinking 1.5 liters of water. It has also been examined closely that should not drink alcoholic beverages the night before. If necessary, use boiled water or filtered water. Is it possible to drink 1.5 liter water at once? For starters, it might seem difficult to drink 1.5 liters of water at once, but will gradually get used to it. Initially, while practicing you may drink four glasses first and the remaining 2 cups drunk two minutes later. Initially you will urinate 2 to 3 times in one hour, but after a while, going back to normal. According to the research and experience, the following known diseases can be cured with this therapy, in a time such as those listed below: Constipation - 1 Day Tuberculosis Lung - 3 Months Diabetes - 7 Days Uric acid - 2 Days Blood Pressure - 4 Weeks Cancer - 4 Weeks Note: It is recommended that people with arthritis / joint pain and rheumatism implement this therapy three times a day, ie morning, noon, and night-an hour before meals for one week, then twice daily until healed.
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Rich Coconut water Nutrition And Healthy

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hot weather is delicious, fresh drinks, but of course also be healthy, not to refresh the moment but may have adverse effects on our health. Well ... for Those of you WHO want to refresh the throat Pls you are hot so it's good to try the consumption of coconut water, coconut water Because turned out to contain many That Nutrients and minerals are good for our bodies.
Coconut water is the purest liquid second only to water. Coconut water contains very little carbohydrate and 99 percent fat free and low in sugar. The content of sugars contained in coconut water is natural and not processed like the other drinks with added sugar.
Compared with sports drinks, coconut water contains very little sodium, but potassium Had more. Coconut water contains not only water but also contains Nutrients. In 30 ml of coconut water contained 61 mg of potassium, 5:45 mg of sodium, and 1.3 mg of sugar. Another is the content of magnesium, calcium, vitamins B and C, zinc, selenium, iodine, and sulfur.
No wonder if coconut water contains a variety of health benefits as follows:
1. Keeps the body hydrated
One of the health benefits of coconut water is its ability to hydrate the body. Coconut water contains all the electrolytes the body needs Such as sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium. These electrolytes with drinking water plays an Important role to keep the body hydrated, ESPECIALLY During and after sports activities deplete That sweat.
2. Helps you lose weight
Coconut water is known for its low calorie content. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, change the habit of eating high-calorie drinks like soda, caffeine, or fruit juice with coconut water.
3. Enhance immune system
Coconut water was the which also contains lauric acid is also found in breast milk. The function of this acid is antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal. Coconut water the which is very well taken regularly to Enhance the body's immune system to fight viruses and diseases.
4. Improve circulation
Coconut water helps carry Nutrients and oxygen to the blood cells and increase of metabolism. Additionally, coconut water can also help Cleanse the digestive tract.
5. Relieve Nausea
Patients with typhoid fever, malaria or other diseases cause nausea That can try to eat the coconut milk to Reduced nausea.
6. Addressing urinary tract infections
Coconut water is highly recommended for Those Suffering from kidney stones and urinary tract. Drinking coconut water regularly helps break up kidney stones Mentioned making it Easier to remove.
7. Maintaining healthy skin
Coconut water works just like a light moisturizer and also reduces the excess oil on skin. Another benefit is the combination type of skin Soften. You can use coconut water for bathing or choose a skin lotion made from coconut. Coconut water can also be used to wash your face after wearing a mask, ESPECIALLY for Those with oily skin types.
8. Treating Patients with cholera
Coconut water contains natural albumen That fits into a beverage of emergency in Patients infected with cholera.
9. Good for Digestion
Components of coconut water contains bioactive enzymes Various That can help Overcome the problem of digestion and metabolism. Regular consumption of coconut water effectively to cope with discomfort in the abdomen.
10. Maintain electrolyte balance
Coconut water is a good source of potassium. In a serving of coconut water contains 220 mg of potassium. These electrolytes your body needs every day to maintain the function of cardiac contraction.
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10 Source Food Triggers Body Odor

Besides disturbing appearance, body odor also is affecting a person's confidence. Various factors influence the onset of body odor Such as mood, genetics, medicine, diet, gender and occupation.
Deodorants may be effective enough to cover the smell of bodies, but some experts think the use of deodorant Often too can have negative effects. Changes in dietary patterns seem to be a viable alternative for you to Reduced bad body odor.
The following are foods you Should limit to Prevent body odor and bad breath:
1. TobaccoCigarette smoke mingled with other elements and out through the sweat glands Will cause a distinctive odor. Even after quitting smoking, the smell Will stay in your body within weeks.
2. TrimethylamineSome people have a genetic disorder known as trimethylaminuria. In this condition, the body is Unable to break down amino acids, trimethylamine, the which again produces fishy body odor. There are many foods contain amino acids That, Such as seafood, fish oil, eggs, liver, milk, nuts, soy products, broccoli.
3. SpicesSpices with a strong aroma Generally Will Produce Pls ingested sulfur gas is absorbed by the blood and eliminated through the lungs and pores of the skin. This Causes of bad breath and body odor. Examples of these foods are garlic, onion, and curry.
4. Red MeatIt took a long time to digest red meat. When undigested food, toxins and foul-smelling gases are released That cause perspiration odor. A study published in the Chemical conclude, women judge a Man Who does not eat meat more fun, more interesting, and less prone to body odor than the WHO to eat meat.
5. Alcohol & CaffeineAlthough alcohol and caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, soda, etc.) Has become a habit, by limiting these drinks, your body Will feel more fresh and odorless.
6. Processed Foods & Junk FoodThat consumption of processed foods are too much salt / sugar, flour, hydrogenated oils, and so forth, will from growing niche to rot in the stomach, thus producing Unwanted breath and body odor.
7. Low carbohydrateCutting the carbs lead to excess intake of protein rich foods. It can help burn fat in the body. However, this process releases ketones into your bloodstream That makes your sweat smell bad.
8. Dairy ProductsDairy products are also rich in protein, the which Pls broken down in your stomach, Causing hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan stench triggers.
9. CholineFoods rich in choline Provide the make your sweat can smell like fish. Some people, WHO can not digest these foods easily, "smells fishy." Examples of Such foods are eggs, liver, fish, and nuts.
10. FriedFats and oils in foods are fried and fatty That Become foods rancid over time, and can lead to poor digestion. It also Causes of bad body odor.
To Prevent body odor, there are Several Airways Them you can do, drink lots of water, consumption of foods containing fiber, fruits and low choline (apples, strawberries, Oranges, grapes, Tomatoes, pineapple, banana and watermelon). If You Could change your diet, no longer need to worry about body odor That has been stalking you. In Addition, you also no longer need to Spend lots of money to buy deodorant.
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Tips to Remove Fur Feet

All women want to look beautiful, attractive, fresh and clean. Certainly a very important body treatments, including leg hair hygiene that could interfere with the beauty of the foot.

For those of you who bothered with hair growth on your legs do not worry, the following simple tips for hair remove legs, especially in women.

Take a little pepper, camphor and a few drops of kerosene. Mix and mashed until smooth, then rubbed on the feet are covered with fur. Do it one day at a time until all the hair fall out by itself ..
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Skin Care Tips by Fruits

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The first impression obtained from an individual is through the face, therefore it is important for you to keep and care for the face to make it look clean and fresh. With a face that always looks fresh always glow will surely add to believe in yourself and others happy to see it. There are many ways to take care of the freshness of the face and one of them is to utilize the content of the fruit.
Jens facial skin every person has a different and therefore the problems that arise on the skin of each person is different, too. For example, oily skin is characterized by the amount of oil that comes out especially in the "T" (forehead, nose, and chin), also on the cheek at the bottom of the cheekbone. Generally, oily skin is easy to deal with acne and you can use a cucumber.
Efficacious to soften and loosen skins, summarizing the pores and remove impurities cucumber. Thus, acne can be prevented. In addition to cucumbers, tomatoes can also help restore the balance of oil on oily skin types, so the face is always fresh and natural.
For dry skin types are usually problems that arise are the face looks dull or less humid, so the face does not look fresh, sometimes feels like interested, scaly, and itchy. State pores of the skin often appear withered and rough, and wrinkled, so it looks older than actual age. To solve this problem on skin type, helping you to eat carrots. Vitamin A in carrots is required for maintenance of epithelial tissue (tissue at the surface of the skin).
Carrots also contain carotene which serves to keep the skin moist, slow down wrinkles on the face, and always make the face look radiant. Pineapple fruit can be an alternative for those of you who have dry skin types. Therefore, pineapple contain substances that function sum up the pores so skin looks smooth.
While for normal skin types. Normal skin is the most ideal type of skin from both types of skin on top. For this type of leather, avocados can be your choice from you. Avocado mask can help care for normal skin types because of the high fat conten
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Important for Women to Know!

The following tips are important to know the beauty of every woman. Small things but has an important role to maintain health and beauty facial skin.
Tips 1: Do not underestimate the moisturizer
Whatever your skin type, do not ever forget the moisturizer. Especially if you are aged between 20-30 years, with a moisturizer will protect and keep skin from aging. Rhoda Narins, professor at New York University and expert beauty reveals, sometimes women just need a facial moisturizer and cleanser to get the exact skin look young and well groomed.
Selection of a moisturizer must be adjusted to the type of skin. If your skin is dry, choose a moisturizer using vesicular emulsion technology. While the best moisturizer for normal skin is that contain alpha hydroxy acids. Different if you are the owner of oily skin, it requires a light moisturizer made.
Tips 2: Always use a sunscreen
Sunlight can damage the health of your skin, one cause of wrinkles and make the face dull. For it is always 15-30 spf sunscreen to protect skin against the sun's rays. Use sunscreen 30 minutes before outdoor activities and do repetitions every 2 hours.
Tips 3: Choosing the best facial cleansers
Choose a facial cleanser such as milk and penyegarnya, to lift dirt to the fullest. If you are accustomed to using dishwashing soap to clean the facial skin, make sure not to use it too often because it can hurt the skin. Just clean your face using soap cleanser twice a day maximum.
Tips 4: Do not use makeup at random
Expensive and no matter how good your makeup, if you choose to make up makeshift tools certainly will not be perfect. Selection tools such as makeup brushes, should have soft feathers. When applying it too, the brush should be able to "sweep" makeup evenly and does not spill.
5: Update your hair style and makeup!
Imagine what the guys when you attend a high school reunion, but the hair style and makeup you have not changed at all, just like high school age. Update your hair style and makeup you every two years. In addition to avoiding burnout, it also makes you look more fresh.
Consult with your stylist to get the latest hair styles and fits to the shape of the face. For makeup, you can get advice by visiting the makeup counter at a shopping center. Do not be afraid to try new styles to avoid saturation.
Good beauty tips to inspire you this time.
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Hypnotizing Ways Children With Positive Hypnosleep To give suggestions

Hypnosis is a technique or practice of deliberately influence others to enter into a state resembling sleep in which a hypnotized person can answer questions and accept suggestions without resistance. This technique is often performed to explore the subconscious mind where a person makes or causes a person to be in a state of hypnosis. People who are hypnotized to believe in the mental state of attention became focused, concentrated, and his mind is more receptive to the request or suggestion
Hypnosleep basically the same with hypnosis. Hypnosis is a conscious person, then by the induction technique lowered level of consciousness by focusing on one thing at the perpetrators of hypnosis, thereby experiencing deep relaxation throughout the body and then suggestions are given. While hypnosleep raise one's awareness of the condition of the child fell asleep to the state of Hypnosis (Trance), then the suggestion given during hypnosis condition (Trance), we Raise awareness, and then provided suggestions and after that the child put to sleep again.
Various problems can be treated with Hypnosleep are: anxiety, emotional disturbances, aggression, sleep disorders, learning disorders, school strike.
When James Braid first described hypnotism, he did not use the term 'suggestion' but the action is intended to focus the conscious mind is the subject of one dominant idea. Braid main therapeutic strategy involves the stimulation or reduce the physiological functions in different areas of the body. In subsequent work, however, laid the foundation form of suggestibility Braid verbal and non verbal, including the use of 'suggestion, get up' (waking suggestion) and self-hypnosis. After that, the emphasis shifted hypnosis by Hippolyte Bernheim of the physical state of the psychological process of verbal suggestion. Bernheim concept of verbal suggestion in hypnosis dominate primary subject during the 20th century. So make some parties claim that he is the father of Modern Hypnosis.

Contemporary hypnotism wore a variety of suggestions, including:
  • Direct verbal suggestion indirect verbal suggestions, such as demand or innuendo, metaphor, and expression of the words of others.
  • Non-verbal suggestion in the form of mental imagery, tone, and physical manipulation. The difference generally exists between the suggestions given by the permissive or a more authoritarian.
  • Some of hypnotic suggestion is intended to provide direct reposmon, while the other (post-hypnotic suggestion) is intended to trigger a response after a time delay for several minutes until a few years in some cases.
How to Hypnosleep in children:
  1. The first preparation is to make the concept of suggestion that the sentence will be submitted in writing, so we did not think up the phrase while doing Hypnosleep. It should be simple, short, brief and clear. Notice also the use of the word. The point is to say what we want with a positive sentence. Avoid negative words like not, no, do not.
  2. Note the number of breaths the child. Should be 6-8 breaths per minute. This is to ensure that the subject fell asleep. The most ideal is 6-7 breaths per minute.
  3. Approach the child gently to make a shortcut to the subconscious mind. Rocking the subject's body by holding the head to the side with two hands. Shake a little to the left and right while saying the following sentences with the firm tone of voice accompanied by a low and flat "This ... .. (Your name or your mama or papa) do the talking. You can hear ... .. (Me, mama, papa) but keep a close eye! You can hear ... .. (Me, mama, papa) but keep a close eye! You can hear ... .. (Me, mama, papa) but still close your eyes! "
  4. If the child is sleeping very soundly above sentence may need to be repeated several times so that it can penetrate the subconscious level. Continue "If you hear move your index finger or thumb as I touch. If you heard that I move the index finger touch. You can hear ... .. (Me, mama, papa) but still close your eyes! "
  5. After that you have read the suggestion that stacking had 3 or 4 times to ensure up to the subconscious.
  6. Then cover with the following sentence "If I stopped talking then you will go back to sleep soundly as before. You will not remember what I say but you feel a change in you when you wake up tomorrow morning with a very fresh. Now go back to sleep very soundly! "
  7. As I say suggestion, it should be with a belief that what is spoken is received and understood by children.
  8. The next day and so do as there has been a change. If you have not seen real changes are not angry and negative. Let the process of change occurs in the first. If you need to repeat Hypnosleep again in the evening with the same words.
  9. Suggestion would be more quickly formed when accompanied by the formation of a good environment. Make a cool environment and good with the not often arise quarrels, anger and not use foul language and rude.
  10. When children begin to show changes to avoid using words like "yes not usually likes guns now hit brother?" But give the spirit with the sentence: "Son of a smart daddy, now at younger guns again. Tomorrow's smarter and more powerful, yes "
  11. When you give suggestion on one issue at least 1-2 weeks to give time to get the new move to other topics. 
Providing motivation and a positive suggestion: 
  • From tomorrow to learn math is easy and fun
  • The more days you will not wet the bed again
  • The longer you dear sister and always kiss when I'm angry
  • Learning turns out to be the most exciting activities 
  • With high spirits tomorrow you'll wake up at 6 am
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Walking 3000 steps a day That's Healthy

Friday, July 8, 2011

Walk 3000 steps a day, it will not only make you healthy and well protected from dangerous diseases such as heart, obesity and diabetes. Previous guidance is often given is 10,000 steps every day. In developmental research, the latest recommendation is 3,000 steps, five days a week.

Prevention of obesity and diabetes risk reduction, because the benefits of the road has been shown in a study published in the BMJ England. While several studies have shown that physical activity reduces body mass index and insulin resistance - an early stage in the development of diabetes - this is the first study to estimate the effects of long-term changes in insulin sensitivity daily step count.
This study, by the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Melbourne, involving 592 middle-aged adults who took part in a national study to map the level of diabetes across Australia between 2000 and 2005.
At baseline, participants completed a detailed dietary and lifestyle questionnaire and underwent a thorough medical examination. They were also given a pedometer and instructed how to use it. Participants were monitored again five years later.
other lifestyle factors, such as diet, alcohol and smoking taken into account. A higher count steps every day for five years was associated with lower body mass index, waist hip ratio low, and better insulin sensitivity.
This association was independent of food intake and energy seemed to be primarily caused by changes in adiposity (fatness) for five years.
The authors estimate that, in setting them, people who settled that take a very low number of steps each day, but that can change behavior over the past five years to meet the guidelines for the popular 10,000 steps daily will have a three-fold improvement in insulin sensitivity compared with similar people who increased his pace to meet the new recommendation that more than 3,000 steps over the past five days a week.
These findings, stating the role of an independent benefit from higher daily step counts on body mass index, waist-hip ratio, and insulin sensitivity, providing further support to promote higher levels of physical activity among middle-aged adults. "

Benefits of Walking
By walking every day, diabetics can have the benefits of greater control of blood glucose. Exercise helps muscles absorb blood sugar, preventing it from building up in the bloodstream. This effect can last for hours or even days, but not permanent. That's why walking regularly is very important for continued control of blood glucose.The most important benefits of running will prevent diabetes and indirectly very good for cardiovascular fitness or heart because people with diabetes are at increased risk for heart disease,
Walking can control your weight or maintain ideal weight. Regular walking burns calories, it can help control weight, which in turn can reduce health risks. Walk quickly accelerate coronary blood flow to the heart. Thus the adequacy of the heart muscle of oxygen the heart muscle are met and maintained. Flexibility of the arteries of the body of trained and will be helped by mengejangnya the muscles around the walls of blood vessels while conducting a quick walk. The end result, blood pressure tends to be lower, intercellular adhesions that can result in blood clots of blood clot clogged vessels will also be reduced.
HDL or good cholesterol as a destroyer of LDL or bad cholesterol (LDL) will increase by walking fast. Recorded brisk walking can reduce the risk of heart attack to just half.
Walking also reduces the risk of stroke. One study of 70 thousand nurses at the Harvard School of Public Health are conducting a walk as much as 20 hours a week, decreased their risk of stroke two-thirds.
By getting used to walking routine, metabolic rates increased. In addition to a number of wasted calories by walking activity, the excess calories that there may be burned by increasing your metabolism so that weight gain did not occur.
Those who exercise since young, and consume enough calcium, up to age 70 years estimated to be freed from the threat of bone loss.
Another benefit is to prevent running arthritic knee (osteoarthiris). By getting used to walking fast or choose to walk in the swimming pool, arthritic knee pain can be eased. For those who suffer from arthritic knees, walking activities need to be intermittent, not every day. The aim is to give opportunity to the joints to recover.
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1001 The Amazing Human Body Facts

Facts About The Human Body The ExtraordinaryDid you know that our bones it's five times stronger than steel bars with the same weight.?
Do you know if the nerve is stretched from end to end, located about 75 km (over a distance of Jakarta-Bogor)
Did you know that the body took on average 18 kg of skin (almost equal to the weight of children aged 3 years) in their lifetime?
In the human body, about 3 million cells die every minute.
Dust particles found in the house most of the dead skin from the human body
The brain is relatively more active at night in a single day
The brain consists of 80 percent water
Our stomach acid is actually strong enough to digest the zinc and lead. Fortunately the cells in the stomach wall is renewed so quickly that the stomach acids sempet not turn a "backfire".
Is it true that determines hair color hair thick? Blond hair has an average 146,000 follicles while people with black hair have about 110,000 follicles. The average human has 100,000 hair follicles, each capable of producing 20 individual hairs during a lifetime.
Higher body the morning than the evening. That's because our bodies are on average about half an inch taller in the morning, thanks to the excess fluid that is replenished when we sleep. As the day goes on, and our bodies move, the fluid seeps out, resulting in loss of body fluids leading to shorter.
Your stomach produces a new layer every day. Tues your stomach secretes hydrochloric acid, which is a corrosive compound used to treat the metal in the industrialized world. This can damage the body, but mengasilkan stomach mucosal lining of the stomach wall at a safe from the poison.
The lungs consist of 3 billion capillaries (small veins). If the veins are connected so one can reach 2400 km in length.
Male testicles produce 10 million new sperm per day .. Enough to replace all humans on earth in just 6 months.
Tu our bones strong - as strong as granite stone in weight. Experiment with a piece of bone the size of a matchbox can withstand loads up to 9 tons - four times stronger than steel concrete ..
Nails we need 6 months to grow from the base to the tip of the finger
Largest organ in our body is the skin. Adult male skin area of ​​approximately 1.9 m2. The skin constantly updated by our bodies and throughout the life of each person produces leather waste weighing 18 kg
When you sleep your body expands about 8 mm. When you wake up your body to shrink again as before. Why is that? It turned out that the cartilage we can expand and shrink (when standing and sitting) like a sponge because of the influence of gravity.
Skin color evolved over time. Blacks are consistent with the fact the first human evolution in Africa. Also all of the skin, without coloring, would appear creamy white. pigment melanin, created in response to ultraviolet light, black in large numbers.
Napping was found to increase productivity. 20-minute nap can increase your overall alertness, improve your mood, and increase productivity. William Anthony, author of The Art of Napping at Work (Larson Publications, 1999), said the increase in productivity post-sleep can last for several hours. In addition, your heart can reap the benefits of napping. In a six-year study of Greek adults, researchers found that people who take naps at least three times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of dying from heart
A unique tongue. Just like fingerprints, The tongue is a unique organ because it can be placed out of the mouth to be examined, but he was declared protected in the mouth and difficulty dipalsukan.Lidah also show two forms of geometric information and texture information that is useful in determining the physiological identity.
The skin on the palms and feet 4 mm thicker than the other skin in the body, the heel of the foot into the thickest part. Also it is producing the most sweat glands than other body parts.
The average person ate 50 tons of Caucasians and 50 thousand liters of drinking water throughout their lives (Indonesian people not know how many ni).
Our Bodies Produce Aspirin. Eat vegetables and fruits can help the human body makes its own aspirin. Findings from studies Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry shows that people who receive benzoic acid, a natural substance in fruits and vegetables, can make their own salicylic acid, the major components contained in aspirin.
Each kidney consists of 1 million single filter that filters an average of 1.3 liters of blood per minute and produce 1.4 liters of urine a day.
Muscles move our eyes on the ball about 100 thousand times a day .. As a comparison, if we applied the same leg muscles by walking 80 km every day.
Within 30 minutes the average heat of our bodies make enough to boil a half gallon of water.
A single cell of our bodies only need 60 seconds to surround our bodies.
Foreskins of circumcised infants who can grow the size of a postage stamp to 3x width of a basketball court. Not great. Wonders of science. Laboratory regenerate the skin to replace skin burns victims.
Since we were born until now there is only one part of our body size gk who never changed - the Eye Ball.
According to Darwin (and some other scientists) the appendix was once actually the third part of our digestive system. Its function is to digest the leaves! Because humans stop eating raw leaf and start cooking all the food eventually lost his job appendicitis.
The average person each day to lose about 60 to 100 strands of hair
The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue
Eyes and nose are always growing, but the eyes remain the same size from the beginning.
Female egg cell is the largest cell in the body and the male sperm is the smallest cell
To take one step, the human body uses about 200 muscles.
There are about one trillion bacteria were found on each leg
About 6 months before the baby is born, the teeth have started to grow but have not come to the surface of the gums.
More ear wax secreted by the body when people are afraid
About 36,000 gallons of blood pumped by the heart every day
There are about 250,000 sweat glands found on a pair of human legs
Every human being at conception (fertilization seed) spent about half an hour as a single cell
To produce a sound when speaking to use about 72 muscles
Female heart heart beat faster than men
All bodily functions stop when you sneeze including the heart, for about one second
Approximately 15 million blood cells get destroyed every second
Men can have erections every hour and a half during sleep
There are approximately 120 million sexual intercourse taking place every day around the world
There are about 31,500 words spoken by humans every day
When too much food, the ability of human hearing to be reduced.
Type O blood is the most common blood type in the world
Man is not amused when tickled his own body
Did you know that the human eye can detect a candle flame at a distance of 1.6 km?
Did you know that our blood circulatory system contains about 150,000 miles of blood vessels?
Did you know that the heart beats more than 30 million times a year?
Did you know that the lung contains approximately 2400 km of the airways?
Did you know that Every testes produce about 1500 sperm per second, and Did you know that the diameter of eggs was 50 times wider than the head of the sperm?
There are many other facts ... there are 114 other facts that hopefully useful to you. Loss if you miss to read it ...

Body Facts
Facts about the system, network, cell
The human body is composed of a number of systems. All systems perform certain functions. All systems connect and communicate through the blood and nervous system. 9 body's major systems: skeletal muscle, integument, respiratory, digestive, urinary, nervous, cardiovascular and lymphatic
Body system formed from a variety of organs that contain a variety of tissues. A network is a collection of similar cells that perform specific functions.
Adult body contains over 50 trillion cells
Three billion body cells die every minute, mostly replaced with new
The egg (ovum) is the largest of human cells. Ova can be seen without the aid of a microscope.
Red blood cells are the only cells that are not core. Red blood cells carry oxygen and was about 120 days.
Nerve cells are the longest cells in the body that carry messages
About 10 billion new white blood cells are made every day, which fights infection.
Facts about the skeleton, skull, joints, muscles and hair
Order more than 300 babies have a few bones so the bones grow together
Generally adults have 206 bones, but some people have extra ribs
More than half of the body's bones found in the feet and hands
Thigh bone (femur) is the longest and strongest bone
Bones five times stronger than steel bars with the same weight
99% of the body's calcium is contained in tulag and gear
75% of the bones of the body in the form of compact bone and the rest is re-spongy
Compact bone is the hardest material in the body after the email
The skull consists of 22 pieces of bone. Eight pieces of bone forming the dome of the container and protects the brain
The face is composed of 14 pieces of bone
Human and a giraffe's neck has the same number of vertebrae
The knee is the largest joint in the body
Joints that connect the smallest of three tiny bones in the middle ear
Most joints are large and can be driven lubricated by synovial fluid
Muscles around the joint contract to produce movement
The body has more than 600 skeletal muscle
Tersuplai either skeletal muscle with blood vessels and nerves
Muscles Gluteus Maximus is the largest in the ass
The smallest is the stirrup muscle (stapedius) in the middle ear
Muscles can cause eye blink five times per second
The amount is too little oxygen reaches the muscles during strenuous exercise, lactic acid waste will accumulate, which causes muscle ache.
About 80 head hairs fall out each day
Fingernails takes 6 months to grow from the base to the tip
When cool, pull hair enforcement muscle into each hair straight, it makes the air trapped and produce a "goose bump" (menegaknya chilling)
Facts about the nerves and brain
If the entire nerve is stretched from end to end, located about 75 km.
Sciatic nerve is the longest nerve
Nerve signals can run at speeds over 400 km / h
Pain signals run more slowly than the touch signal
One brain cell may be associated with 25,000 other brain cells
As carriers of electrical stimulation of neurons can not divide and multiply like other cell
Neurons that die can not be replaced
Oxygen-deficient brain cells will die after 5 minutes.
Facts about bone marrow, skin, tongue, nose, and eyes
The length of the adult spinal cord 43 cm
Thickness of the spinal cord 2 cm
Spinal cord to stop growing at around 4 or 5 years
Fat gives white on white substance
The skin is the body's largest organ
The skin has a surface area of ​​up to 2 m2
The body took an average of 18 pounds of skin in a lifetime
Household dust consists mainly of dead skin cells
A baby has taste buds all over the inside of his mouth
There are over 10,000 taste buds on the tongue
The cells of taste buds just a week old before it is replaced with a new
Olfactory senses can detect different odors 2000-4000
Kiss / smell is attractive to achieve the odorant receptor molecules for analysis
The brain grows accustomed to smelling fast and stop recording it smells
Humans can distinguish more than 1500 kinds of music
Humans can hear sounds in the range 0-140 decibels
The ear can detect sound direction in 3 degrees
Color blindness affects 1 in 30 people, and in men 1 from 12 people
The human eye can detect a candle flame at a distance of 1.6 km
Humans blink 15 times per minute
People can see up to 10,000 colors
Facts about the cardiovascular system, heart, blood
Sikulasi system contains about 150,000 miles of blood vessels
The heart pumps about 13,640 liters of blood per day
The aorta is the largest artery, vena cava is the largest vein
The heart beats more than 30 million times a year
The average age of 70 years, the heart will rest for 40 years
There are four main types of blood group (A, B, AB, and O)
Oxygen binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells to red blood
The average body has about 5 liters of blood
Facts about the nodes
Swollen glands a sign of infection
Most lymph nodes found in the armpits and groin
Nodes filter out and discard the infection and destroy red blood cells
Chemicals in the eye fluid, stomach and mouth fight infection
Neutrophil white blood cells live only 60-20 hours
Facts about the endocrine
Adrenal gives tremendous power in emergency situations
Too much growth hormone from the pituitary gland can cause gigantism (excessive growth)
Seing pituitary gland called the most important endocrine gland (master gland) because it produces hormones that stimulate other endocrine glands to produce hormones respectively. Hormones from these glands also have a direct action on some body functions
Facts about lung
The lungs contain approximately 2400 km airways
Each lung has a total surface area of ​​180 m2
Hiccup occurs when the diaphragm to contract rapidly forcing air out through the vocal cords
The lungs have more than 300 million alveoli
Every minute about 6 liters of air inhaled lung
Adult lungs can hold about 3 liters of air
Facts about the digestive system
Some people never have four wisdom teeth behind
Acid, which is secreted by the bacteria to break down sugars in the mouth cause tooth decay
An adult secretes (issue) about 1 liter of saliva per day
Stomach can stretch to accommodate 2 liters of fluid
Gastric glands produce about 3 quarts of fluid every day acid
The length of the small bowel about 285 cm
Small intestine lengthwise twice when someone dies
150 cm length of colon
Perform many vital liver functions such as dump toxic chemicals from the blood and removing and produces bile for digestion of food
Facts about the urinary system
Every hour, the kidneys filter out up to 7 liters of fluid from the blood
95% content of urine is water
Urine contains toxic substances including urea made in the liver.
Facts about the reproductive system
Sperm length about 0.05 mm
Sperm take about 10 weeks to mature
Each testicle produces about 1500 sperm per second
Sperm swimming speed of 3 mm per hour
Non-identical twins result when two eggs fertilized in one cycle
Egg diameter from 0.1 to 0.2 mm, 50 times wider than the head of the sperm
The new egg must be fertilized within 24-48 hours
Someone babies are usually born 40 weeks after fertilization
Sometimes the newly fertilized egg splits to produce identical twins
Sperm has X and Y chromosomes that determine sex of baby
The majority of human body cells contain 46 chromosomes
Red blood cells have no nucleus, so it does not carry the gene
During puberty, someone becomes sexually mature, egg and sperm being produced
Puberty is triggered by hormones produced by the brain
In girls, puberty lasted between 9-13 years of age. In boys puberty begins more slowly between ages 10-14 years
Hormonal changes during puberty often cause oily skin and acne
Long lifespan can be inherited
Japanese women have a life expectancy of the most long lived more than 80 years
A woman Perancism Jeanne Calment, 121 years old in 1996.


1. Sarah Brewer. Body Facts. A Dorling Kindersley Book.
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Prevent Cancer With Green Tea

From the results of studies have shown that green tea or green tea is very effective to reduce tumor formation and the risk of breast cancer for women. In fact, researchers believe that flavonoids contained in green tea may reduce the risk of developing several other types of cancers such as prostate cancer, colon cancer and gastric cancer.
The team of Japanese scientists studying the dala green tea protection against breast cancer. And from the results of their study, they found that women who consume green tea in large amounts, will have a slow cell growth.
And in research they do, they also found that women suffering from breast cancer type I da II who consumed five cups of green tea a day, then the pain will be reduced by 50% compared with women who ate less than 5 cups green tea every day.So if you want a name away from cancer so diligent to consume green tea every day.
From the results of studies have shown that green tea or green tea is very effective to reduce tumor formation and the risk of breast cancer for women. In fact, researchers believe that flavonoids contained in green tea may reduce the risk of developing several other types of cancers such as prostate cancer, colon cancer and gastric cancer.
The team of Japanese scientists studying the dala green tea protection against breast cancer. And from the results of their study, they found that women who consume green tea in large amounts, will have a slow cell growth.
And in research they do, they also found that women suffering from breast cancer type I and II, which consume about five cups of green tea a day, then the pain will be reduced by 50% compared with women who ate less than 5 cups green tea every day.
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Practical Ways to Maintain Endurance Body

Practical way to keep the immune system the body is always healthy, fit and healthy:

  • Get used to drinking at least one glass of water is already cold when just woken up and before bedtime.
  • Never drink water while eating. So eat and drink water before eating a bit beforehand and ready to eat after waiting about 10 minutes to drink water.
  • Never drink the water in a hurry, but drink water that is relaxed and slowly.
  • Do not get used to drinking ice water because it will have an effect on the health side of the body. 
  • Do not eat foods that are too spicy.    
  • Do not eat foods that are still hot.
  • Get used to go jogging. 
By considering the above tips, hopefully our immune system will always be awake, stay fit and keep fit so that is not susceptible to disease, especially back pain.  
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