9 Simple Tips to Lose Weight at Home

Friday, July 8, 2011

Does your home make you fatter? All come from home, you lean from home, and you are fat as well as from home. Well, slim through the following tips, learn how the place you call home that can actually ruin your diet

1. Setting the mood

Turn off lighting in the kitchen and dining room. Dim lights make the food look more attractive, which encourages overeating.

Music can help reduce stress-related eating, is to fill some inner need that may lead to overeating. If you have a particular song or CD that can soothe you know, you can harness it.

2. Fill your dining room with shades of blue

Avoid installing a wall painting in red, yellow, and orange in the kitchen and dining area because this color might make us hungry. If you are not a blue wall and repainting will only spend time, use the spoon blue, blue plates, napkins or place mats to help get the effect is not hungry.

Use the blue lights in the kitchen or dining room. In a study published in Contract magazine, participants who ate a feast in the blue room, eat 33 percent less than those who ate in the yellow or red. Blue light to make food look less appealing, while warm colors, especially yellow, have the opposite effect. Fast-food restaurant has come to know and use this fact for decades, which is why almost all of them have a yellowish interior. That's because they want you to eat more.

3. Reduce the size
A diet study showed that people have a tendency to eat anything on their plates, even though it exceeds the needs of food and their hunger. So if you have a large dinner plate, buy a smaller plate for your home.
Buy a smaller glass so you do not consume too much calorie drinks. More difficult to control yourself not to eat and drink excessive when you look at stocks which are abundant in your plates and glasses. Use a smaller glass of juice and keep a large glass of wine.
4. Away from the kitchen
Many people called and worked on the kitchen table so they are always being around food that increases the chance to eat.
Just as you would sleep better if you do not work in bed, then you also will eat more if you do not work in the kitchen. Use the room as they should. 5. Lavender pillow spray in bed
Studies show that natural remedies such as lavender can help improve healthy sleep cycle, which will eventually be able to help you lose weight. Those who slept only five hours, at risk of obesity 50% more than people who sleep in accordance with the recommendations of healthy sleep, 7-8 hours.
6. Jasmine spray around the house
Peppermint or jasmine scent is associated with increased energy and alertness. Burn candles or jasmine scent spray around your home to help boost energy.
7. Adjust the position of home exercise equipment.
Have a dumbbell or a yoga mat will help train your mind. If you watch television at night and you see the dumbbell, you may be inclined to take a dumbbell and do a few sets of exercises rather than leave it stored in a closet. If you have stairs, you can use it for weight-loss program. The average person can burn 105 calories if you go up and down stairs for 15 minutes. If you do it every day for a week, then you will burn at least 735 calories.
8. Get rid of "fat clothes"

Women often have an oversized clothing, this could make the weight back up because you use a dress size the width of it as a safe limit your weight. That is, as long as you still feel your clothes are not too small or ngepas, it will assume that your body has not been so stretched. Because your shirt size xl or even XXL, then it is tantamount to letting your body grow according to the size of the shirt. So clean the closet, and get rid of the baggy clothes.
9. Decorate your home with something slim
Paste magazine clippings beauty in your refrigerator. You'll see it every day and imagine how it feels if you get a slim body as in the clipping. This could be the burning passion to achieve your goals.
Simple way, but if we do can simultaneously deliver outstanding results.

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